Sunday, July 17, 2011

My baby hasnt moved in two days?!?

Hey guys Im 20 weeks pregnant and I know you're all going to say "dont worry this is normal its too early" But my baby is VERY active. He always moves in the morning, afternoon and kicks a couple of times at night. For the past few days I have felt nothing. I have tried EVERYTHING. I've tried a cold glass of ice water, orange juice, sweets, ice cream (which usually gets him going in seconds), soda and even eating taco bell (he kicks me like crazy when i eat that for some reason). I've also tried shining a flashlight in there, moving my belly, using music. NOTHING!!! I'm seriously freaking out I don't understand how an active baby can suddenly stop moving for two days. My midwife is only open on wednesday and I really dont want to wait that long. Should I go to the hospital just to make sure he's okay? What are the chances of losing a baby at 20 weeks? I had a miscarriage last year when I was 9 weeks. Could there be any logical reason as to why he isnt moving?

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