Sunday, July 17, 2011

Severe weather coming here! Need advice!?

OK, well, Tonight, and tomorrow, and Wed, the Storms AND TORNADO WATCH, From Kansas, and Dallas is coming here, And I live in, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and I am TERRIFIED of Storms and Tornadoes, Really, I am, And I need advice, because I am scared of it coming, I'm scared of the Sirens, Green Skies, Tornadoes, Severe Storms, And my Mom works tomorrow, and I am 15, And I just got an Airsoft today, and I have things in my house, that I do not want wrecked if a tornado comes, Usually when it looks not good out, I get long jeans on (in case of debres flying and hitting me, a little protection), my cross necklace (i love god), my money (if I have any, in case I need to run, I have something for a phone call, or food), my keys (to get in the house), and my shoes on (so i wont stub my toes, or step on glass or anything) and this is just for IN CASE! I have never been in a Tornado, or do I want to, and it is Humid outside, (Tornado temperature) and on the TV there saying tonight and tom. Strong to Severe Storms likely and stuff, And I am scared, and tonight, I can't look outside for the skies, and I'm listening closley to the Sirens, I wanna get dressed up in case, but my mom doesn't seem like anythings really going to happen, I'm getting my information from, Channel 23, (weather station, on comcast),, AND, and I live near Minneapolis, where that Tornado happened a few weeks back, meaning, one can happen HERE too! I'm scared, please give me advice. Thanks.

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