Friday, July 22, 2011

Should i get a Bustin Maestro or a Bustin Strike?

Go to this site and give me your opinion:

Can I get this apartment without a co-signer?

I am trying to rent an apartment and the income requirement is $1000.00 per month. Currently I only make around $700 but starting June 20th I will be working a good 37-39 hours per week (which will DEFINITELY meet the income requirements.) I don't want to wait to rent the apartment because its only a few rooms left...The landlord has to do my background check, proof of employment, credit check, rental history, etc...and to move in he wants 2 pay stubs. If I were to give him my LAST two pay stubs, it wouldn't meet the requirements....Is there a way I can have my bos type up a letter or something stating that I will be earning more money in a few days? Do landlords accept that? Or will I have to get a co-signer... Oh and I also have money coming in from financial aid refunds this do I document that on the application also? I'd REALLY like to get the apartment myself without a co-signer...

My employer didn't report my income. I'm trying to get unemployment benefit. Please help.?

The state is investigating your employer for non-payment of unemployment insurance by miss-classifying employees as independent contractors. They will go back quite a few years and workers. It will take months and not weeks. They could decide he owes and you therefore qualify. He will probably appeal an adverse ruling and that will delay it further.

Steps of pubic hair growing back?

I shaved my pubic hair and I really regret it. I'm a 14 year old boy and I'm worried about how fast it will grow back. And I'm wondering if the rate of growth changes as it gets longer. Or maybe if the stubs grow slower or faster. How long will it be after a week? It was originaly about 2 or 2 1/2 inches. I really want it to hurry up and grow back!

Are the Edinburgh Trams a shining example of private enterprise?

I have to admit that I haven't followed it too well. When can I look forward to sitting in a cosy tram to get to the airport?

How do i know which one of my African dwark frogs is a girl or boy?

I have two african dwark frogs! One- is a little darker, a little bigger and has a stub between its legs.. 2nd one- is skinner and not that dark and also has a stub between its legs and on its tummy it has a slit and between its legs has a stub also. How do i know which on is a girl or boy?

Does herbals totally twisted curls and waves leave your hair smooth and shiny?

I used herbal essence before i changed to garnier fructus sleek and shine.. no frizz shampoo and i have to say i love everything about the garnier one.. the way it feels and the smell :) I would stick to the garnier. Although i have heard that if you use the same shampoo for a long time you're hair becomes immune to it and it doesnt clean your hair as well. Hope this helped!

Could my toe be broken?

Okay, so today I stubbed my little toe twice on a door frame, and it sorta split away from my other toes, became swollen and turned red. It hurts like hell when I put pressure on it or move it. Could it be broken? There is no bruising...

How do I know if my toe is sprained or broken?

I stubbed my toe (toe beside my little toe) 3 weeks ago. At first it swelled & bruised, I haven't seen a doctor yet. Just the other day it bruised again, I haven't been able to wear any running shoes I have been wearing flip flops as that is the only thing comfortable still to wear. I have not been able to move the toe properly & still I get pain from my toe. So I was wondering is it broken or sprained?

IVA or bankrupcy pros and cons?

I am currently in an IVA bustin my balls to pay the agreed amount and can't help thinking that I may as well be bankrupt! Apart from the moral issue, which I will deal with, can anyone help with a good reason not to go bankrupt? Cheers.

My mom is bustin at me? POW POW POW?

It sounds like you're in a crazy situation. I suggest that you use a friends phone to call the cops.

Question about the Sims 3 Console version?

Why didnt they put 2 player capability in the console version of Sims 3 like they did with The Sims bustin' out, Urbz and the Sims 2?

I stubbed my thumb, what should I do?

Ok well a few days ago I stubbed my thumb. At the time I didn't do anything. Is stubbing your thumb bad? I mean, it's not swollen or anything but it stills hurts when I put pressure on it.

How do you knock out MAD WILLIE HUTZYA on Sims Bustin Out GBA?

So I have maximum level body, and I have the stupid rooster. What do I do to knock him out? I don't get it. Someone told me to continuously press the A button, but that doesn't work, he still knocks me out.

A lil curious what's going on?

so i looked at my calendar and me and the bf had sex 3 times in my ovulating week. i'm not worried if i'm pregnant or not the not my question. What exactly happens when your done ovulating or during implantation? i've been having off and on lil baby cramps for the last day or two...and today had some type of secretion in my panties, it was kind of clear with a lil whitish hint but not really (if that makes sense.) i just need to know what going on, and if i am pregnant if that's supposed to happen when you conceive...if its left over from intercourse 2 days ago. shine some light please and thank you.

Swollen pinky toe....?

About 45 minutes go I stubbed my pinky toe in a door frame and now it's swollen and when I move it it would pop. Then, when I tried walking on it the bone that connects the toe to my foot popped up but stayed under my skin and it feels warm and I am able to move it. I just want to know if it's anything serious. And I can still walk on it but it hurts a little.

Do divorce proceedings cross state lines, and is this legal? Is it legal to get?

You need a lawyer. It is not clear what you are saying here. But I assume you are saying your ex-husbands friends are accusing you of having a dirty home that is unfit for children, and using drugs (you say they hid something in a shoe that you flushed). Get a lawyer. If you don't do drugs offer to take a drug test to prove it. Then request that your husband also be required to take a drug test.

How do you clean beach shells to make DIY jewelry?

Some of the shells I have found are not the shape I want. Should I sand it down? Also what polish should I use so it shines. These have no living creatures and I know this because they are broken. I'm looking to using them to make diy jewelry for myself and family. Please help, thank you! :)

How do I get rid of an infected wound under my toenail?

You have 3 options 1. See a doctor 2. See a podiatrist 3. Seek advice from a pharmacist. You need to let air get to the infection so avoid wearing socks in the house and trainers etc as a moist environment may cause bacteria to grow. You do need to get this checked out asap

Wouldn't it be totally cool it...Justin Beiber got a mohawk and just started bustin out Dirty Rapz?

Using the song he made called "Baby"...he should Keep that same beat& tempo...and just change the lyrics 'Pimp--in aint-----ea-say'

My Moms a beliber! Help!?

I really hate "Bustin Jeiber" , but my mom is in love! She turns up the volume really loud when his songz are on the radio, its so embarrassing! the only songz i like by him r nevr sa nevr, eenie meenie, and pray.Sorry to all u belibers out there--u r cool too i guess.

Workput/Pump up songs?

i need to make a new cd, and i cant think of any new or old, good pump songs. I need rap and crunk. Stuff to really get the blood pumping. Some past songs like 6'7, hard in da paint, bustin at em, goodbye, forever, stuff like that. As many songs as you can think of please, thanks.

Does it sound like I got scammed by this seller on Stub Hub?

Yesterday, I purchased two tickets to Taylor Swift in October. Some of the sellers had 17+ tickets to sell, when ticketmaster would only let you purchase 6. I was obviously charged an arm and a leg. The tickets aren't due to be here until the estimated arrival date of October 2nd, because the seller doesn't have the tickets yet. However, I already have tickets to the show and was just getting better seats, and my hard tickets arrived a month ago, so shouldn't they already have the tickets to send me ? I don't know if they're hard or printed, but what's the hold up? I'm just really nervous because I haven't purchased from Stub Hub, and don't want to be turned away at the door due to copied tickets that were printed out, or no tickets at all, because we're going to sell the other ones.

How does Waka Flocka kill that guy at the end of the "Bustin at 'em" music video?

He walks up to that guy in the car and holds the fire hydrant tube to his head and kills him? but how?

Guitar hero help please??

So my brother has a ps3 guitar hero guitar (I think because the sony symbol is on it) and he uses it on his pc to play guitar hero world tour using a adapter (it has guitar hero written on it and a red light goes on if you plug it in a usb port also has two usb ports on its front) so I leant guitar hero world tour from a friend thinking I could use it on my xbox 360 elite with my brothers guitar and well I plug it in the front of the xbox usb port and the light shines on the adapter and it connects to the guitar and the guitar shows one red light but my xbox doesn't sense the guitar nor show its even plugged in is there a way for me to use the guitar on the xbox???so has two usb ports on its front) so I leant guitar hero world tour from a friend thinking I could use it on my xbox 360 elite with my brothers guitar and well I plug it in the front of the xbox usb port and the light shines on the adapter and it connects to the guitar and the guitar shows one red light but my xbox doesn't sense the guitar nor show its even plugged in is there a way for me to use the guitar on the xbox???

A weird friend problem help?

Ok so im friends with these girls, lets call them May and Mary. Ok here's the thing, they are twin sisters. Now I like having Mary over because May is really whiny and always wants to do what she wants and shes always loud when my parents are sleeping. So today was my first time having Mary sleep over. I was a bit scared but she never whined and she did like a fair share. She was loud when my parents were sleeping but it was an accident because she stubbed her toe -_- lol. So I like having her over more now. Except now May is mad because she thinks that she can't come over anymore. I get what shes saying, but it's kind of true. Like they are really good friends and you can't have them both over at the same time, trust me -_- lol. So what do I do?

What's the most creative thing you've screamed after stubbing your toe?

I always end up screaming really odd things when I stub my toe. For example, the last time I stubbed it, I screamed something like "DADDY DAMMIT!"

Can a cop have tattoo's ?

i want to become a cop in the future, but i also want tattoo's i want a rose vine going up my left side, and a skull with roses that has a saying called "we may be dead, but the memories spread" so its meaning full, on my other side, and then i want 1 on my back thay is a star with little stars around it with my sisters name, cuz she shines like star all the time, a rose tramp stamp, and 1 on my arm it will be half of the whole tattoo, my hubby will get the other half, an together it will say are favorite saying in the shape of a circle with a heart in the middle! <3 can a cop have these kind of tattoo's?

Good name for my Fire Belly Toad?

I just got him and he's a very bright green color and shines out amongst my other frogs. I tradionally give my frogs a name that starts with F. And ideas? I would like the name to be something bright and unique. Thanks.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

17 want motorcycle NEED HELP!!!!!!?

In most US States, you are a minor and can not legally sign a binding contract. You will need an adult to sign for you (and assume ALL the financial obligations, if you default).

Broken toe. what to do about it, and how to know if its broken?

well at about 11 this morning i ran my foot into the door frame, it was more my pinky toe that really hurts when i walk.... someone told me it could be broken, but im really not sure. i know bruising is a symptom, but how long after you stub your toe should it bruise if its really broken? Thanks!! (oh and what should i do to cut down the pain?) thanks again

I stubbed my thumb, what should I do?

Ok well a few days ago I stubbed my thumb. At the time I didn't do anything. Is stubbing your thumb bad? I mean, it's not swollen or anything but it stills hurts when I put pressure on it.

Ebay is DENYING my refund?

I have had several items I paid for that have as of yet to be received. I filed a claim. First seller says " I will send a replacement BUT you have to pay me $10.00 more. It's only fair as it was sent through USPS, an we have a tracking number to prove it was delivered". YES delivered, BUT not received! Ebay won't even go after them for violation of Ebay rules regarding additional fee charges. The second seller I made a claim, I did not see any tracking number, like what that matters, but Ebay just sent a message..... "WE deny your claim!" no answer as to why! I went off royally.Sorry but I am a vet with issues... need we go there with that?? I have had sellers try to rip me off again and again. Yeah, some I got a refund, but I had to close my previous account because I went off a few times and did not want to pay %$## *&^!@ sellers when they went off on me. Sorry! I don't appreciate being *%&#@ with! Ebay cares more about their "TOP RATED" sellers than they do about the buyers who are only looking for a fair deal and not get screwed. What to do?? Sorry 'bout my speech, just edit it. Like I said, I am feed up with companies that don't give a rats #*% about the guy bustin' his self to make a living. Now my back is against the wall going nuts trying to figure how am I supposed to get my money back if Ebay is playing this %$#^*&@ **^$^^$# game! What ever happened to the customer is always right??? Now it's *&$% the buyer, our grand sellers make us the money! I need help to get Ebay's back against the wall for a change, I will sue if I have to!

Is my employer required to furnish pay stubs that I lost upon my request?


Post crisis planning?

well how do i win an arguement or possibly even a physical restraint or fight from someone who is trained to do this? im not doing anything bad I just want to stop the cops from bustin my balls all the time.

Why was my penis so large before I hit puberty?

Your a LUcKY guy!lol, but it just means that you might have hit puberty early... or you were blessed by god, and havent hit puberty yet...haha

Good longboard wheels?

I have orangatang presidents. They're good and all, just wanted to see if there's anything better. I rode my friends bustin swift. They slide nice, but the ride isn't too smooth and it feels like when you carve hard youre gonna break into a slide. I'm looking for speed, smoothness and sliding.

I just made the most amazing rhyming discovery ever!?

lmao that doesn't count because its two words... The goal is to find one word that rhymes with orange. binge comes close but its only one syllable so it doesn't really work... I admire your ambitious attitude tho!

I stubbed my toee :( !?

So I was playing soccer yesterday barefoot, and i went to kick the ball, but I accidentally kicked a person lol. So it was really painful and I couldn't really walk the rest of the night. So I woke up expecting it to be gone, but it's still there! :( It hurts just as much as before and it is swollen, red, and there's a small bruise. I doubt it's broken because it's not like EXTREME pain, but I don't know because I've never broken anything. Is there anything I can do besides seeing a doctor? I have a very busy day today.

Is it normal for this to happen?

Is it normal that the day after masturbating/bustin 1 , that I feel nervous the whole day and cant make eye contact?

My lg phone sayss puk locked how do i fix it?

so my lg shine is accidently locked and i cant do anyting all it has is a yellow thing and an arrow and it says puk blocked i need to use it but cant plz help! :(

Kittens playing together too rough?

I'm not sure the rough kitten is experiencing separation anxiety from the mother. Cats don't need their mother emotionally like we humans do. Was she fed properly after the mother was hospitalized? Has she seen a vet? If you are worried, I would take her to the vet. Maybe she's experiencing an illness of some kind. The disturbed meow is a bit of a concern.

What are you listening to?

I listen to ''Where them girls at'' and ALL of eminem's songs,I've been into him lately..I still do LMFAO and other singers...It depends on my mood

I just shaved my pubes for the first time i need answers?

ok so i just shaved my pubes for the first time, im 15 and after i did it i noticed it my pubic area stung, and my hairs werent completely off just like small stubs, like it feels like facial hair, any way to get rif of that and to stop the itchiness?

What do you think of my NEW yugioh deck?

I think of the deck and theme interesting. To special summon Blue-Eyes and defend life points. To use Blue-Eyes, I think you need to protect it better and by protect it better, I'd say use Counter Traps like 'Seven Tools of the Bandit', 'My Body as a Shield', 'Starlight Road', and etc. A very easy way to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon would be to use 'Ancient Rules'.

Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered while sitting on the floor upstairs in your room bustin gas that the person down stairs can hear? Yesterday morning I couldn't handle the amount of gas I had so I decided to let it rip and boy was it loud, but I wondered if my aunt was able to hear this? I mean after so many years of living hear and bustin gas all on the floor I wonder if she hears me from down stairs? So have you ever felt this way? I mean wondered about this, for those of you who live in an apartment up stairs from someone?

Would using primer help?

I use bare minerals makeup. When I use it, the color is never even, it gets cakey, and it shines throughout the day. If i use primer before i apply foundation and warmth will it help???

My employer is taking out deductions without giving check stub...?

What should I do...I have no proof of deductions for tax purposes. I'm afraid he can give me a 1099 at end of year instead of a W2. What should I do?


It was good lyrically but it was just annoying to look at. Clean it up, put it into bars, and spell correctly.

What are some good ideas for a Modern Day Fairy Tale?

the modern day fairy tale...start with the something like a kid from the bronx and a rich kid from beverly a romeo and juliet type of thing...but use this type of motto. the meet on a bus or subway...he romances her through song or poem and lots of dancing ya gotta have dancing in modern day fairy tales. u can have them secretly meeting at coffe shops or basketball games or football games. then the ending has to b either major tramatic tragedy ot major happy. u choose. but they can b denied by family and friends or excepted by some friends and dissed by others. u can make it cause problems within the circles of friends. its ur fairy tale. u can make it whatever u want. i hope this helps u. n good luck!!!!

How to get the gnome on sims?

to put a cheat you need to hold: "ctrl" "shift" "c" :at the same time. the it depends which kind of sims. in sims 2 you put "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" in sims 3 you put "testingcheatsenabled on" but i really dont know how to get a gnome. the buy catolog? and if its not there you can always download it free and nothing happens to your computer guaranteed. you download it on you need to make an account (the "register" button) and then you can get things. try looking up gnomes and there is alot of chances you will get what you want.


i accidently stubbed my toe on the desk and my leg got mad at me for causing it pain and walked off on me. now im stuck with only one leg and i cant walk or go anywhere. how do i convince my leg to come back?

Hair dye and developer help?

I bought Color Brilliance Intensive Shine Ion hair color, and the instructions say to use 10 vol developer, but I only have 30 vol. What can I do about this? Am I still able to use the dye with the developer I already have on hand, and if so, what sort of mixture would I need to use for the best results?

Prevent infection from a lost toe nail?

A 2 months or so ago at football practice I stubbed my pinky toe in my shoes (size 13's are too small i guess haha). It hurt for a bit and turned black. Today I picked up a towel and it dragged across the toe nail and pulled it out of place a little. I figure it will fall off on its own soon, but when it does, how can i protect it from infection from the bacteria in my sweat? (Football practice in hot weather = foot sweat)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where do you buy tickets?

I know there is stub hub, and ticket master. but where do the tickets originate from? Is it from the places the event is going to be at? How can I find them?

What is the effect of parachute oil massaged onto your skin?

Is it beneficila for the skin. like does it smooth and soften and shine the skin and lighten up scars or hyperpigmetation or anyhting traces of hair or ingrown hairs???

How to Capture glow-sticks- NIKON D80?

I have a Nikon D80 DSLR. A few friends and I are going to go "caving". In a pitch black cave, we open glow sticks and shine them all over the walls. I want to capture the glow with my camera but can't. What settings would I use?

Where do I find Chet R. Chase on Sims Bustin out for GBA?

I've recently gotten addicted to sims bustin out for the gameboy advance again. And I'm on the 4th file mission 4 and I need to befriend Chet R. Chase. Except, I haven't even met him yet. In another file, I have, but I can't remember where! I need to know places where he could be, please so I can finish the mission?

Why is my LG Shine turning on and off when I try charging it ?

It won't turn on all the way it will just light up & then turn off over and over again. Anybody have this problem or know what I can do to fix it ?

Bustin Maestro or Maestro mini?

I'm going to college in the fall, and I'm planning on getting a new board for commuting and just kinda kickin around. Considered the Loaded Tan Tien, but it's too expensive. Pretty much decided on the Maestro, but I'm kind of torn whether to get the 38 or the 32. I'm used to riding a 55 in. Gravity, but I really needed to downsize. Love the idea of the mini because it's small enough to take to class and stuff. But do you think the mini would be too small for me to be comfortable? Do you think that extra 5 in. would really make a difference? And does the mini have a good flex? Thanks.

Am I crazy or am I falling in love?

Okay so I met this guy in 8th grade. He had a younger brother that I just knew through him. Over a couple of summers we became great friends and the younger brother asked for my number. We became best friends and he was the one person I could talk to about ANYTHING. He and I started dating last fall and it lasted about 2 months. Since then things have changed and he has too. We are different people and old feelings are coming back. I am talking to him again and we will give it a second try. I want to know, because I feel like I love him with all my heart, if I am actually in love. He makes me feel like the only person in the world when I am with him. When I am happy I want to be with him to share my happiness, when I am sad I want to be with him because he supports me and he can always put a smile on my face. When I get mad at him I instantly think about how to fix things and how much I care about making things right with him. I want him to be there for me just as I want to be there for him in everything. He makes the sun shine and the moon rise at night. He makes me feel so special and I think I love him.

I lost my paycheck, does my employer have to give me a new one?

you lost the check , they paid you in good faith, they cam make you wait up to 30 days for a Replacement and make you pay for the costs incurred for stopping payment on the check.

How do i find out if my employer is actually paying tax with the deductions from my pay?

my employer claims he deducts taxes from my pay. is there a number i can call to check that he is actually paying tax with the money he deducts off my pay check?? the calculations make sense but he isn't giving me pay stubs even though i have been asking for them for months. i know that isn't legal...i am planning on quitting very soon but i need to make sure he isn't using money off my paycheck for himself.


I think you should add Kick-***, Inception... and, I think you'd like that judging from your collection. Maybe the Swedish Millenium-movies "The girl with the dragon tattoo" or whatever it's called.

Bright moving star, too bright to be satellite?

how fast and how far did it move do you think? if it moved a considerable distance or if was moving relativity fast then i mean... it cant really be a star

Sims bustin' out on playstation 2? Level help!?

Im on the Toane's Gym and the goal i need to complete is go to dudleys trailer and party....well I went there talked to other sims and danced....... but I still haven't completed the goal...? What else do I have to do to complete that goal?

How can I get back to wearing heels from a toe injury?

I stubbed my toe around two weeks ago playing kick-ball with my younger cousins. (The ground wins all the time when you miss the ball.) It's my big toe that is hurt. Its not bruised anymore but when I put on a high heel the ball of the big toe hurts. I think its because of the fact that when in heels all the force/weight is placed upon that area. I found a pair of heels that I like but don't won't to get them till I can wear them without pain.

Does this girl like me?

There's a girl that I have become good friends with this past year, and I have grown to have a big crush on her. All our friends that see us together assumed that we are dating, and complimented us on how good we would be for each other. But then about a month ago she started dating another guy. This other guy is not for her, all they do is text each other, they don't hardly ever see each other. But she still hangs out with me, and when she does we will snuggle together under the same blanket, and are always very flirty. Ever since I had starting to get to know her, we have had a special connection, every time I make eye contact with her her eyes get big and shine. It seems that an incredible bond between us forms every time We look in each others eyes. Even since she began dating the other guy, our friends and even some stranger have ask us if we are together, and complimented us on how good we are for each other. I think I'm in love, but I can't tell of I have a chance.

How much is my regular xbox and ps2 consoles and all their games?

It depends on the condition of the consoles. I sold a the big PS2 recently and I had it since 2003 and gamestop paid me $100 for it and the games were all popular and some of it were rare so it totalled me $200 for 7 games not a bad deal. Like I said it really depends on the condition of your console. I don't know how much the xbox would be though, but I think it's over a hundred still not a bad deal. maybe with all of that traded in you might get over $200-300 (I don't really know it's just from experience)

I think i fractured my toe?

Today i was walking up some stairs and i stubbed my toe REALLY hard. Like really really hard. When Im not moving, just laying in bed, my toe pain is about a 9 on a scale of ten. I can not walk on it, I tried at one point, only walking on my heel, and after about two steps the pain became unbearable. The bottom of the nail turned purple. Should i let this take its course, or should i see a doctor?

Why do we have toes on our feet?

We don't use them to grab anything. They are just there, why can't our feet be like stubs like no toes.

Is this a good song??? Kinda depressing. Dedicated to the girls who had their hearts broken.?

I suppose it's a fine song. You have Talent. But, you can't really ask someone if it's a good song if they haven't heard how it's suppose to sound. Good lyrics though..

It's VERY hot & i dont have AC are my kitties ok?

Just keep the apartment as cool as you can. A sign to look for to see if they are too hot is when they sick there tongue out, leave their mouth open, and start breathing heavily.

Should i act any different around her? Less friendly?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.

What do you guys think? (Please take the time to read the whole thing.)?

i'm sorry it's a bore to read i like poetry especially by Derick Walcot and i don't listen to rap and go like ooooooooooooh I'm more like yeah OK?

Whats better (pantine) or (garnier)?

Ok so first off,my hair is brittle,dry,horable split ends,tremendious bleach dammage,and horable heat damage, i straighten my poofy frizzy crazy curls everyday and my hair has gotten to such a damage point tht its breaking off like crazy and my hair really doesnt grow back tht fast at all,i use heat protection but nothing is helpin,i here tht triple nutrice by garnier will do wonders and smells great too! but then again i here tht beautiful lengeths by pantine is just amazing and idk wich one is better,also i really want to get my hair relaxed how much damage is tht and is it really worth it? i just want straight hair!...with shine lots of shine! is there any thing for shine tht is really good, my hair is very thin! and its also is pretty dull so im willing to try about anything and i totaly understan tht its gunna take time but whatever the case, i need answers,:)Thx

How can I get The Sims Bustin' Out for XBOX to work on my XBOX 360?

I've read that it's not possible but most of those are dated back to 2 or 3 years's now 2011 and I'm sure someone out there has found a way to get Xbox games not on the list of working games to work on their 360. My sister spent 30 dollars to play it together and paid extra for expidited shipping...Can someone pleeeeease help me!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Have car from dealership and no contract.?

i went to dealership to buy a car and it was late and i gave them drivers license and pay stubs and they told me to take the car and that they would get approval by saturday. i went on saturday and a guy said approval has not come through yet. now i get a call from sales guy there saying i have to go by tonight or they will take car back. I asked how much was i approved for and he doesnt know. What could be going on.

What image comes to ur mind when you read this?

The poem is very flawed and reads like a first draft. Use your grammar check and refine the imagery to be sharp...not rambling. The poem is too wordy for no real purpose.

Does anyone have a shining litwick?

I would like a shining litwick to add to my team. Preferably I would like the Litwick to be timid with the ability Flash fire and no prior training (I would rather do that myself, no offense). I don't mean to be picky but this would work to my advantage. The price is negotiable and I will try to get something that will benefit you (I'm sure if you just have a shining litwick laying around than you must be set already though lol). Thanks to all responders and please leave your email if you wish to make a trade so I can send you my black version's fc.

What is the year to date check stub?

It would be your most recent check stub. It should have a section on there that shows how much you've earned (and paid in taxes, etc.) so far this year.

Rate my deck please. I have made a blue eyes shining deck?

i would give it about a 5 out of 10 mostly because blue eyes is not as good as it used to be you can get a strong moster out faster now than you can blue eyes

Sim Bustin Out for Gamecube: "Go to dudley's house and party"?

I go to dudleys house and hang out with all the other party people but the goal never gets fufilled?

A light shines from the top of a pole 20 m high. Optimization problem?

A light shines from the top of a pole 20 m high. An object is dropped from the same height from a point 10 m away, so that its height at time t seconds is h(t) = 20 − 4.9t^2. How fast is the object’s shadow moving on the ground one second later?

Who finds this story remarkable/compelling?

What I find remarkable is that there is no mention of any royalty in your story! Did you forget to include it? Or did you post in the wrong forum?

How many songs can Jason Derulo rip off?

Not rhetorical. Best answer will compare him to another rip off artist. Will Smith (whom I love) and Puff Diddly are taken. Derulo's current single is a shining example.

A weird friend problem help?

Ok so im friends with these girls, lets call them May and Mary. Ok here's the thing, they are twin sisters. Now I like having Mary over because May is really whiny and always wants to do what she wants and shes always loud when my parents are sleeping. So today was my first time having Mary sleep over. I was a bit scared but she never whined and she did like a fair share. She was loud when my parents were sleeping but it was an accident because she stubbed her toe -_- lol. So I like having her over more now. Except now May is mad because she thinks that she can't come over anymore. I get what shes saying, but it's kind of true. Like they are really good friends and you can't have them both over at the same time, trust me -_- lol. So what do I do?

Waka flocka's crunkest songs?

What are waka flocka's most crunkest, club banging songs? Songs like No hands, Ball (ft. tity boi), & Bustin at em, & Hard in da paint. No hatin/negative answers.

I need a lil advice please(heartbroke)?

in march i caught my fiance' sexting some dude..i think it lasted a couple months and caught them before it went to another level(i hope) but i cant get over hurt bad,i feel like im not good enough or shes interested in other men...shes said shes sorry many times and got me a sweet card expressing her mistake and promise it will ever happen again..yet i still cant help thinkin they had sex which they both deny(i contacted the married fool) but supposedly they aint talked or texted since i bustin them out..i may have ended there fun but now im jus flatout insecure..what should i do? i do love her and we have a 2yr old son

How long will a fractured and dislocated little toe take to heal!?

Okay, so I stubbed my little toe on my right foot 2 times on Sunday, took it to the doctors today, and they said it was fractured near the joint, and possibly dislocated. Unfortunately, they didn't tell me how long it would take to heal. There is a bit of swelling, no bruising, but it hurts like hell when I walk on it. How long will it take to heal approximately? And should I do P.E?

Help which garnier fructis line should i use?

i think that you should use the wonder wave system but also use somthing that will make your hair soft..(if youd like)

Which Bustin Longboard Should I Get?

I'm looking into my second longboard, I already have one (The Bustin Sojourn) which i use for light downhill and alot of carving. I'm looking for a board thats built for speed, and downhill, not so much carving, in the 200 dollar range for a complete. I'm stuck between the Bustin Cigar and the Bustin Maestro. Which is better for downhill? I'm leaning towards the maestro but not sure

Should i be ashamed of myself?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.

Does it really work when using tomato sauce to bring back the shine to copper-bottomed cooking pans?

Tomato sauce will work because of the acid in it. You also can use salt and vinegar or lemon juice.


i accidently stubbed my toe on the desk and my leg got mad at me for causing it pain and walked off on me. now im stuck with only one leg and i cant walk or go anywhere. how do i convince my leg to come back?

Do you find it weird or strange that im not attracted to Asian girls?

well me too i'm not attracted to asian girls that's why i'm single since birth cause i'm filipino and i'm in the philippines i don't like their looks it's kinda i don't know damn ! i don't know how to explain they're trying to look caucasian or hispanic my grandma is a Catalan(spanish from barcelona spain) using tons of beauty products but when they give birth to a child the child is so dark i admit that i'm racist and i can't accept that i need to go to rehab at this early age of 15 and i don't know why i'm like this my half nephew's from my mother sides are all indio cause my spanish blood comes from my father side and i don't like that they're treating me kinda joking with me damn i don't know i wish i could over come this but i'm not attracted to asian girls! that's all you're not alone.

What do I need to bring to buy a new car?

This is my first time buying a car.. I had insurance a year ago but cancelled it because I was on the road with my ex..I'm planning on putting 2 grand down..will they allow me to get insurance while im there? Will two paycheck stubs be enough? I don't want to bring in tax returns because I didn't make nearly the amount I make now.

How can I verify income for an apartment without pay stubs?

I'm trying to get approved for an apartment. I have to make 3 times the rent and I only make 2 times the rent with my payroll job. I am also an assistant to an unsigned music artist and he pays me based on his show bookings and music/mp3 sells. Can I use this as income verification? If so what do I need to do to prove this?

Rate my blue eyes shining deck?

Great deck but you need the spell card marshmallon glasses. Its makes unable to attack monsters other than marshmallon

Broken hearts - do you like my poem?

Great! A few errors, but since English isn't your first language I'll let you off ;) Overall, pretty good!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Where can I download Game Boy Simulator for PC?

I want to play The Sims Bustin out but the cassette is broken, so I was wondering where can I download GB simulator/emulator, and how can I download the game?

What has my Mosin Nagant M38 been fed?

Unfortunately this is the result of using corrosive ammo and not cleaning your gun meticulously! It won't necessarily have ruined the rifle, but it will reduce the accuracy a teense. I've had, and do have several rifles that have suffered this fate. I wanted them anyway, and am quite happy with them the way they are! I have an Enfield #4 MKI that I had a tough time even getting a 30 cal cleaning rod to go through the bore, when I bought it! It shoots fine and is pretty darn accurate! This rifle also had a depression eroded into the bolt face where it had corroded also. I had that built back up and rehead spaced, as I didn't quite trust it the way it was. I'm not sure what the brown flat flakes are. They where also in this rifle! I don't think I'll ever see them in this gun anymore, though! You have done basically what I did, clean the crap out of it, shoot it and clean it again. Now you can enjoy it! :)

What childish words always make you giggle?

Just wondering if anyone else is as immature as me...because I totally laughed out loud upon reading "butt wipers" in Zorro's last question. Any words or phrases in particular that are stupid but entertain you? My personal fave is "bustin' a grumpy"...because farts never get old (but they do get stale).

Was this the Antichrist?

Antichrist are ALL who deny and oppose the fact that Jesus came in the flesh do die for the sin of the world and is the savior of all who believe.

If a car interior is painted how should it be properly maintained (cleaned, protected, etc..)?

How should i go about maintaing a painted car interior trim dash. I have read that you should'nt use interior cleaner but water and car was on a damp cloth. But what about protecting after washing. should it be polished or waxed to keep original shine and gloss?

Late into the night... C/C?

What I way enjoyed about it,, Um well I liked the piece, but as much that it dint allow me to pause and take a breath. Ya done good HGL

Why i gotta pay him ?

me and my husband had a brief marriage like six month due to his drug use i have moved eight states away four years ago i got in the mail he is takin me to court for spousal support due to him gettin on welfare he never told me this before i got the paper work.and we do talk regularly can he do this i have court in august to come back to pa and appear and to bring all pay stubs for the last six months we have no kids at all to gether can he get away with this we have been seperated for six years

Problem with toenail?

Kind of far down on my big toe nail in the corner its growing in to my skin and it hurts extremely bad, there is slight inflammation on the skin next to it. I've had this for a few months now, and it's gotten progressively worse. I recently stubbed the same toe and it resulted in excruciating pain, the skin where it grows in to is now blood red. I cant clip that part of the nail because its too far back in the toe. What do i do??

PS2 Disc Format error?

I recently bought Sims: Bustin' Out for my PS2 and played it once but it froze before even starting the whole game and after restarting it, the disc wouldn't read. All my other CD's work perfectly fine but this one wouldn't work. It only says "Please insert PS2 format disc". What should I do? What is wrong? I've tried cleaning the disc with disc cleaner, alcohol, tap water and peroxide but it still wouldn't work. I'm about to resort to opening the PS2 and wiping the laser if that helps. But I'd like to know why that happens.

Did I break my toe or what did I do to it?

It is my left foot and the toe next to the pinky or little toe. It is swolen and is bruised slightly underneth it. I stubbed it. It hurts so bad.

Why is it when you apply for individual health care coverage?

You are required to disclosed your medical history; they don't necessarily "already have it" even if it is the same company. You could have had treatment elsewhere without using the old insurance. Nothing new about that.

Does the philippines moving upward now?

I mean there are many assumption made by different economist and assosiations that the Philippines will be one of the richest, advance and well off countries in the world by 2020. I'm kind a bit believing this because now untouche provinces are being develope. The tranportation are being extended, foreign inventors are now investing, corruption are being burn etc. Do you think it can really happen? Will a star shine again? Or it will be just a black hole forever?

Im suddenly a CM Punk Fan, are u?

I have been a big CM Punk fan for a while. His character is one of the best in today's industry and he makes the best heel of today. His promo on Monday showed how much WWE were stupid for not pushing him a lot, CM Punk is one of the best wrestlers on today's roster and when (if) he leaves, it would create a massive hole in the WWE

Does this girl like me? ?

There's a girl that I have become good friends with this past year, and I have grown to have a big crush on her. All our friends that see us together assumed that we are dating, and complimented us on how good we would be for each other. But then about a month ago she started dating another guy. This other guy is not for her, all they do is text each other, they don't hardly ever see each other. But she still hangs out with me, and when she does we will snuggle together under the same blanket, and are always very flirty. Ever since I had starting to get to know her, we have had a special connection, every time I make eye contact with her her eyes get big and shine. It seems that an incredible bond between us forms every time We look in each others eyes. Even since she began dating the other guy, our friends and even some stranger have ask us if we are together, and complimented us on how good we are for each other. I think I'm in love, but I can't tell of I have a chance.

Is it normal for this to happen?

Is it normal that the day after masturbating/bustin 1 , that I feel nervous the whole day and cant make eye contact?

Can you walk by yourself on Sims 3?

I bought Sims 3 for my iphone, and I wasn't able to walk. Then again, it is the mobile version. The console version might be different

My 2001 Chrysler Sebring LXi sedan dashboard lights always come on and off.. What's going on?

I am almost too scared to drive at night because I obviously won't know how fast i'm going; unless i have a flashlight with me or shine my phone light on it. Which is not safe.. HELP!!!

Best place to buy tickets besides Ticketmaster and Live Nation?

I'm looking for a safe place to buy tickets besides Ticketmaster and Live Nation. So far, I've seen Stub Hub and Ebay but people sell tickets on there for prices that are way to expensive and not even close to the original price. Anyone have any other sites that are good and safe to buy from? Thanks so much!

Sims bustin out won't work :(?

I got the sims bustin out game and it says I need at least 1112 kb. I have 7998 kb and it still won't let me! Plz help

Really easy question, 10 points first answer?!?

By the way this is not an easy question. Anyways it basically means the poet was angry with a friend and he held it back and kept it inside. He got angrier and angrier but he feared how his friend would react. He would cry alone but be a smiling happy face infront of everyone, decieving everyone. The fear and anger grew then his friend finally found out his anger and his friend knew it was the poets. The friend understood and they were back to normal. Warning: This is my interpretation and others may have differen't perspective and the poet may have had a totally different meaning.

Why is there a spider in my bathroom and why does it not move at all?

If you blow on it or its web or spray it with water, and it doesn't move a leg, it is probably dead. You have the right idea to dustbust it. If you don't know anything about spiders, suck it in and empty the dustbuster OUTSIDE just in case it IS alive. If you have some oven mitts or silicone gloves, wear them and you won't be so afraid. If you have some bug spray, spray that and you will be SURE it will be dead.

I have some quesions about English expressions.?

Hello Mango, these are the answers to your question: 1) Miss fancy pants in the negative way is referring to the fact that that person is trying to impress somebody but is not doing it the right way. 2) 'you got someone whom you don't deserve' is basically saying that the other person is too much for you or that it is too good for you. I hope it helps.(-:

Is an employer required to give you a copy of previous pay stubs if asked for?

They already gave you a copy of your pay stub when they paid you. If you didn't keep proper track of your records like a big boy, that's on you.

Head n Shoulder refresh or Aveeno Shine?

Hey....i just wanted to get ur thoughts on which shampoo is better, my hair once used to be prefect n good when I used head n shoulders refresh .... I blow dry my hair too....but a few months ago... I switched to aveeno shine and recently I realized that my hair is getting weak n should I continue on with head n shoulders or should I get a new shampoo

Does naturally black hair shine blue in the light?

I read somewhere that for hair to be really considered to be black that it has to shine blue when the light hits it and I also heard that it usually only happens with Asians. I was wondering whether or not this was true because my boyfriend's hair is like that and he's never dyed it or anything, and he's Asian. Does anyone know?

? beat this kid in a battle? are we any good ? what do i say next?

honestly yo alot of them rhymes are tight but u tryin to sound way to hard! rappin isnt all about being a gangster or packin heat yo

What is a really good shampoo?

I am looking for a nice, cheap shampoo that really softens my hair and doesn't smell bad (haha). Something that makes it shine, smell good, and VERY soft and restores it. For about a year I straightened my hair so badly that it is so ugly. I need something that helps it so It can grow too it hasnt grown at all since I used to Straighten it. :/ help!

Questions about diamond ring..?

My fiancee got me an engagement ring.. this one to be exact, notice in the second picture there are no "breathing holes" for the small white diamonds? I know a diamond does not need to breathe.. it's actually for light for a better shine and to see where the setting is.. anyways. Some people say if there is no breathing hole underneath then the diamonds are fake.. i was wondering if this is true? The black diamonds do have breathing holes underneath and on the sides.. the white diamonds only have holes where the prong setting is. I don't know much about diamonds.. just that to me this ring was very expensive. I'm a simple girl.. just don't want my hubby to be to pay for something.. hmm how to put this, not worth it? I am absolutely in love with my ring, just hoping someone can answer my question. Thank you in advance. (:

R there going 2 b anymore pokemon events in australia?

None listed right now unless its a third party event. I usually check by going here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can I look at to see my last paycheck stub if I dont work there anymore?

No you cannot look at to view your last paycheck stub because you are no longer a Walmart associate. Your username and password are inactivated after you stop working there.

Not factual, just an observation, will you C/C please?

Great poem and a very somber story. I have been there and know how it feels. Yes I was picked up by a woman when I was totally smashed. More than once actually.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mane and tail for curly hair ?

I used it last night and I see a huge difference, my hair is soft and very full . But has anyone seen hair growth with curly hair? I did research and only seen girls with straight hair, I have full shoulder length 3c hair. I also add a moisturising conditioner as a styling product to give it some extra shine and a great smell. I was every other day

What movie should I watch?

I really want to watch a horror movie thats actually scary. I've seen quite a few and thought none of them were that scary (Paranormal Activity was lame) and I want to either watch Silent Hill, Silence of the Lambs, The Hills Have Eyes, or The Shining. Which should I watch?

How to unfreeze my sim in sims bustin out has frozen?

My sim has frozen, and she's been frozen since yesterday last night. Everything else is normal except my sim, she is just standing there clapping. I'm playing it on my wii, but the gamecube. All her happiness, sleep, eat, and etc, is down except the music and house symbol. I need some help with this please. Can any one help?

Which is good bike among plusar 150, shine 125 and apache 160?

I am from Andhra Pradesh, India and my requirements are good ride quality, comfort and fuel economy. I travel 50km a day. If any other bike please suggest. price and cc is not a concern. I am 60kg and 5' 8'' height

Why isn't The Sims Bustin' out working for my PS2?

Maybe the disc is too dirty or scratched and the PS2 isn't recognizing that it's in the system...on a side note I find it kind of funny 'cause I've been playing the same game on my DS the past few days...I just got it out recently and haven't played on my DS for five months haha.

What fruit to go in my moonshine?

I have an app on my phone that has thousands of drink recipes and through searching I found one of everclear where u put 8 oz of drained cherries in a can in with a fifth and let set for 2.5 months and serve the cherries... I would like to do the same thing only with moonshine instead... and I have never drank everclear so Idk if cherries would go good with shine or not... any one have a good recipe to follow or suggestions?

My baby hasnt moved in two days?!?

Hey guys Im 20 weeks pregnant and I know you're all going to say "dont worry this is normal its too early" But my baby is VERY active. He always moves in the morning, afternoon and kicks a couple of times at night. For the past few days I have felt nothing. I have tried EVERYTHING. I've tried a cold glass of ice water, orange juice, sweets, ice cream (which usually gets him going in seconds), soda and even eating taco bell (he kicks me like crazy when i eat that for some reason). I've also tried shining a flashlight in there, moving my belly, using music. NOTHING!!! I'm seriously freaking out I don't understand how an active baby can suddenly stop moving for two days. My midwife is only open on wednesday and I really dont want to wait that long. Should I go to the hospital just to make sure he's okay? What are the chances of losing a baby at 20 weeks? I had a miscarriage last year when I was 9 weeks. Could there be any logical reason as to why he isnt moving?


i just bought 2 tickets for my stepdad and brother to see an Angels game. I was able to print the tickets which i have never done before. My name is on the tickets but i am not going. Will that be a problem for them when they go to the game? Also it says the sellers name may be on the tickets but its not.. does that matter? I have never used stub hub to buy tickets so i am a little paranoid

Is my dog under weight?

My dog is a corgi and she is 9 and a half inches tall (ground to shoulder) and 15 inches long (shoulder to stub) and she is 18 pounds. I don't know if this will effect anything but she is 6 years old and is considered a senior.

What do i do if my job won't pay me?

I worked 24 hours and my manager said my check was direct deposited and has all the correct information but I never received my pay. Now he says there is nothing he can do and I have showed him my statement proving I was never paid. He has my pay stub and is mailing it to me

Does this girl like me?

There's a girl that I have become good friends with this past year, and I have grown to have a big crush on her. All our friends that see us together assumed that we are dating, and complimented us on how good we would be for each other. But then about a month ago she started dating another guy. This other guy is not for her, all they do is text each other, they don't hardly ever see each other. But she still hangs out with me, and when she does we will snuggle together under the same blanket, and are always very flirty. Ever since I had starting to get to know her, we have had a special connection, every time I make eye contact with her her eyes get big and shine. It seems that an incredible bond between us forms every time We look in each others eyes. Even since she began dating the other guy, our friends and even some stranger have ask us if we are together, and complimented us on how good we are for each other. I think I'm in love, but I can't tell of I have a chance.

Will Union Members Start Bustin' Heads Of Scab Teachers?

Teachers, unlike the most of the work force, get to call in substitutes. No need for "scabs". A substitute teacher can be employed for the whole school term if necessary. Costing the tax payers twice what it should cost for one employee. Teachers in America have it made. Great pay, great benefits, someone to cover for you when not at work and a union hell bent on screwing the tax payers, while the provide the worse education this country has ever known.

Why does WWE dumb down the style of great wrestlers like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, And Sin Cara?

WWE doesn't allow them to do half the moves in their move set. Is it because they don't wont these so called lesser stars to out shine there golden boys Cean and Orton.

I dyed my hair... Help ? ?

go to a different salon and ask to see the colors they have. They always have samples. If you do it on your own, you will most likely mess it up.

Severe weather coming here! Need advice!?

OK, well, Tonight, and tomorrow, and Wed, the Storms AND TORNADO WATCH, From Kansas, and Dallas is coming here, And I live in, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and I am TERRIFIED of Storms and Tornadoes, Really, I am, And I need advice, because I am scared of it coming, I'm scared of the Sirens, Green Skies, Tornadoes, Severe Storms, And my Mom works tomorrow, and I am 15, And I just got an Airsoft today, and I have things in my house, that I do not want wrecked if a tornado comes, Usually when it looks not good out, I get long jeans on (in case of debres flying and hitting me, a little protection), my cross necklace (i love god), my money (if I have any, in case I need to run, I have something for a phone call, or food), my keys (to get in the house), and my shoes on (so i wont stub my toes, or step on glass or anything) and this is just for IN CASE! I have never been in a Tornado, or do I want to, and it is Humid outside, (Tornado temperature) and on the TV there saying tonight and tom. Strong to Severe Storms likely and stuff, And I am scared, and tonight, I can't look outside for the skies, and I'm listening closley to the Sirens, I wanna get dressed up in case, but my mom doesn't seem like anythings really going to happen, I'm getting my information from, Channel 23, (weather station, on comcast),, AND, and I live near Minneapolis, where that Tornado happened a few weeks back, meaning, one can happen HERE too! I'm scared, please give me advice. Thanks.

Rate my deck please. I have made a blue eyes shining deck?

u didn't list an extra deck. if you don't have one, get one. you're gonna need a couple of dragon synchros (stardust, red dragon archfiend) and five headed dragon. if you don't have any synchros, i dont see the point in having debris dragon.

How does compressed air develope around stars if they're not planets?

i had asked what makes stars and planets shine, and was told by several people that it's compressed air. what forms this compressed air? how does it maintain itself around a comet moving at such a great speed? and why can't a technique be simulated for manned space travel outside of our current measure?

I stubbed my toe and it hurts so bad any natural remides to heal to agonizing pain?

i stubbed it a couple of hours ago not sure of the exact time tho. it swealing really bad i can feel the blood pumping through my toe! i stubbed it near my cutilce its getting black right at that tip. help please i dont feel like seeing a doctor

How to write a letter for the bank that explains that I get paid cash?

Can anyone help or give me an example on how to write a proper letter singed by my boss, explaining to the bank that i get paid cash. Im trying to get a loan for a car but i work at a hair salon and they pay me cash the bank is asking me for check stubs so they can prove a form of income but i do not have any. they told me to write a letter but i have no idea how to start or what to put in it. someone help please!

Should i be ashamed of my behaviour?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.

Choosing a longboard!?

I have a gravity right now but its to big 46 inches and im looking at getting a new one. Something for going down hills,sliding, and carving; but I can make up my mind. I narrowed it down between the Landyachtz Nine Two Five and Bustin Maestro. Which one do you think is better, more durable, and just fun to ride. Thanks.

None of the sims bustin out ps2 cheats work for me. Help?

In the past, I've been able to get the cheat gnome and had all of the cheats work. I haven't played the game in a few months, and I just started playing again yesterday and now NONE of them will work for me. I can't get the cheat gnome no matter how many times I try. Does anyone know what could have happened?

Yes hi I need some help if somebody can please help me out with? I got A new job offer but the problem is?

hey cant verify my past job at Circuit City? Now heres the problem I didnt need to file taxes cause I didnt make that much. From 2007-2009 I worked there but is there anyway to verify that I worked there? Like I said Iam under the limit (threshold) in California Single male and was only part time there. I look about getting future jobs not worry about the past I miss Circuit City but didnt save any W2's or check stub's, just worried about getting A job (recession proof) and helping my mom and dad out.

Lil Flip/Tupac song, what is it called?

What is the song that is originally a Tupac song, but is redone a little bit different only with the same beat by Lil Flip? The lyrics are "I can't deny it, I'm a straight ridah, you don't wanna f*** with me, the police bustin' at me", and the original song is Ambitionz Az a Ridah". I just need to know what the new version by Lil Flip is called..... can't find it anywhere online.

I have some quesions about English expressions.?

Hello Mango, these are the answers to your question: 1) Miss fancy pants in the negative way is referring to the fact that that person is trying to impress somebody but is not doing it the right way. 2) 'you got someone whom you don't deserve' is basically saying that the other person is too much for you or that it is too good for you. I hope it helps.(-:

Whats the movie with the headlights shining on the dark road?

I know this is so so so vague...but I keep remembering a movie, where all you see are the headlights of the car driving down a dar road and I feel like this is something that is constantly playing throughout the movie. If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it because I am going nuts! Thank you in advance.

Can I get my permit a few days earlier then my birthday? -New Jersey?

Well on my birthday in July, I'm going to LA/ST (Leadership Academy/Sail Training for the unknowing) for NJROTC on THAT day because that's actually when the program starts (-_-). Is there any way that I could get my Drivers Permit a few days before my actual birthday? I'm going to be 17 on that day, and I already have my "Stub" for passing my drivers ed test. Thanks in advance!

Stubbed toe, what have i done to it? ?

I stubbed my toe yesterday morning and it cracked and hurt a hell of a lot more than if i usually just stub it. After about an hour it started to swell and go purple. It is still really painful and i can't move it or put my shoe on. Ive got it bandaged up so I don't catch it but I don't know if I've just bruised it or fractured it. Any comments would be helpful x thank you x

Can an employee be forced to pay for damages to company vehicle?

I'd go back to him one last time and inform him that either he reimburse you for your expense or your going to HIS boss and see what you can do.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Could anybody tell me ways to get shiny pokemon?

I have been searching for ways to get shiny pokemon,but I do not know how.I know you could soft reset and and breed,but I do not not know if there are other ways to get shining pokemon.I tried soft reseting and it worked,but for the breeding,not so much.I also heard that if you breed a pokemon good enough, the chances of getting a shiny can drop down to 1 out of 64.But I am confused beacause it says "good enough",so I was guessing it meant that there are special way to breed them but I do not know how to do it!Also,if anybody knows any other way to get a shiny please tell me!And also one more thing,whoever does NOT like Justin Bieber put "me" at the end of thier answers.If you want to of course,I just want to see how many Justin Bieber haters there are out there.

How do i regain my trust in people?

All people are selfish. I love them anyway but they hurt me. I know i should keep shining but what if they are my own family? I dont trust people :/

Does anyone know how to take a shine off a picture without using photoshop?

There's a alittle shine on my face in this great picture i have, but i just wanna use something easy without downloading something. is there anything out there like that?

Which "The Sims" game do you recommend?

Either The Sims 2 or The Sims Bustin' Out? I have a PS2 ONLY. So don't recommend The Sims 3, because I never play computer games.

How to get rid of a jinx?

this whole week i have been having bad luck. first on friday i was talking to my mom and said ''i havent been sick in almost a year.'' and the next day i lost my voice and have been really sick up until today. also i planned a trip for the 1st of july for the beach and was talking to my friends on facebook about how excited i was to go after i got better and today most people had to cancel because they got called for work that day or something came up. i also stubbed my toe going up the stairs today pretty badly and im positive i jinxed my plans because i was to confident and was running my mouth. my question is how do i remove this jinx and prevent it in the future? please dont say its dumb its just not possible that all these things ar happening as soon as i start talking about them. im scared if i dont do something to stop the jinx something worse could happen.

Noob question. Is flex on a longboard good?

I know you don't want it to be as stiff as a skateboard but, i got a 9 ply longboard and i weight 170. While my friend is same weight but a bit shorter than me and he got a 10 ply. Oh, by the way they are the Bustin Ibach 40''. WHos gonna have a better time?

Final Fantasy X item help?

I just found a Rusty Sword, what does it do? The only thing I know is that its a key item. Also, what are shining thorns? I have 2, its description is only "there seems to be some use of this." Please help!


Pretty complete and very good selection! I think you'd like The Machinist (Fight Club meets Memento), Shaun of the Dead (Fantastic Zombie comedy, I'd say its better than Zombieland), The Birds (Hitchcock's best film, very creepy and original) and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (Absolutely OUTSTANDING film)

There is 2 pebbles under my skin.?

My mom has one under her heel.. not exactly pebbles but it's a spur, and if your an arched foot, you could get them anywhere on your foot depending on where and how you walk on it. If thats what it is, it will most likely go away on its own, but if it doesn't, you should see a doctor.

Can you get pregnant on Sims Bustin' Out?

need help! please help me. i want to have a baby on here. or see if i could. i have two kids. but want to see if you could have a baby. SO PLEASE HELP ME!!

How Can I to kill Bamboo?

I have some Bamboo in my backyard that is up to 1/2 inch in diameter. Most of it is much smaller smaller. I want to get rid of it and kill the roots also, so it doesn't grow back. I was figuring on cutting the Bamboo off a couple of inches above ground and then spraying the stubs above ground. I believe this would work. Any suggestions as to what I could use though? Thank you for your advice!

Is there anyway I can order a check stub or something that shows how many hours I worked?

I need to write a letter of appeal and i need to have a come check stub from my job and i dont have them anymore. Is there a way to get them or something that shows how many hours i worked a week?

Please criticize my Descriptive Essay? First time I wrote this type of essay?

I've never read anything better than this! The only thing is this: in the last sentences, i.e "I know for sure, that you will not be contented with just one Galaxy chocolate bar", you could add something more, like "You want your tongue to eat another one".

Day and night at the same time?

Ok so last night I had a dream that I went on an aeroplane - one which would keep doing somersaults and scaring the life outta me (im not a good flier to say the least) and by the time we landed i was so scared i had no idea where we were or anything. then someone told me to look up, and as i did, i was looking upon the most wonderful, tranquil sight.. I was looking out over a beautiful river, supposedly in thailand for some reason. but it was night time on my left hand side, and bright shining daylight on the right. half moon half sun. darkness and light in stark contrast, side by side. can someone, anyone, please tell me what this could mean?

My pinky toe has been swollen for several months?

well i'd say u should ice it daily and see if the swelling goes down after mayb two weeks or something and if it doesnt mayb u should go to a doctor...srry if im no help but at least i tried :) hope the swelling goes down!!

Is it legal to not have your hourly wage and hours worked on your paycheck stub?

I have a friend that does not have that information on her check stub or whatever and she is trying to find out if they legally can do that because she would like to see the information listed on it.

What does the fiscals can do in a case of homicide against an underage ,does the fiscal can handle the case by?

my gay friend was rob and stub inside his beauty parlor by 3 underage this is the first time to experience this kind of situation we would like to know if we need a attorney instead of going to fiscals office

Should I act any different around her/ less friendly?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.

Poll have you ever been barefoot at home and stubbed your toes on the furniture?

I did that about a hour ago was in my apartment barefoot and stubbed my toe on my coffee table in my living room that was painful.

Poem. what do you think? brutal honesty is welcome. =)?

could be interesting, but you should polish it a bit more. I do like it. Maybe edit out some bits? right now its probably an 80%. I am an amateur poet.

10 points to best answer! Drugstore hair products?

I too, heard that all of Got2Be products are really good, however, Aloe vera gel is amazing for frizzy hair. Hope this helps

Why is beyonce trying to take kelly's shine?!?

i mean comeon they have out kelly in da backround all the time and she finally got away from they *** and got a new manager and she is bouta shine like the true star she is beyonce is ****** up for that leave kelley alone i think beyonce scared kelly is gnna out do her like kelly should have been lead and was suppose to be lead in destiny child!

How to drain ice maker in kitchen without floor drain?

Use a small desk top water fountain pump. With a pump and some tubing you will be drained in no time.


i accidently stubbed my toe on the desk and my leg got mad at me for causing it pain and walked off on me. now im stuck with only one leg and i cant walk or go anywhere. how do i convince my leg to come back?

Does the shine after using Loreal Casting Creme Gloss last?

I used it today and my hair is shinier but I wonder if the shine lasts and how long for? My hair is naturally curly and kind of dry too

How can my skin be so itchy when it's not even dry?

So i took a warm shower yesterday night, the usual temperature, and the next night my skin is itching really bad, and I was nauseous earlier but that's gone away now im just really itchy everywhere, and I've put lotion on to try and help, it was even that gold bond itch relief lotion, and it didn't help at all. Is there any explanation and anyway I could make this itching stop? Could it be from medication because I have been on birth control for more than a year, I am not sexually active it's to help control my p.m.s, but earlier today I took two ibuprofen, that didn't make me nauseous 'cause I took it with food and milk, but I took it because I had stubbed my toe really bad so could ibuprofen effect anything? Or I don't know:(

Going to a chiropractor for shoulder weakness? Is she a quack or legit?

the purpose of chiropractic is to correct the cause of nerve interference. nerve interference is produced only from upper neck vertebral misalignment, therefore, that should always be the focus of the doctor's attention, whatever else they may do additionally which, by the way, may feel good temporarily, but is entirely unnecessary. also, you must avoid straining your upper neck if it is to stay in place.

How much will these games sell for at EB Games?

i dont think they will buy your gamecube game coz theyre really old but the rest will go for under 10gbp

What's a Good Skateboard Longboard for a Beginner?

Well, i first began with a sector 9 ala moana which dont get me wrong is INSANE for cruising/carving but now as i progress in becoming a lonboarder, i want a board with more flex (bounciness) and more controlled carving. With your specifications, i would go with a sector 9 aperture longboard which is 200 dollars retailed (150 online in some places) This board is wonderful for carving and cruising around and can probably handle speeds up to 20 mph with loose trucks and maybe 25-30 if you tighten them up and learn how to ride with stability. Also, look at some original longboards if you are just starting The pintail 37, and torpedo 40 both seem to fit your specifications and are great to learn how to ride on. I would get s8 or s10 trucks on them, orangatang or abec 11 retro zigzags on them which would total about 210 dollars. Hope i helped :)

Question: What is up with this?

Make sure the disc is placed in correctly. If it doesn't work the disc may be scratched up. If it is or isn't and is still not working, take it back.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How can you find the password for your walmart pay stub online after you saved it as a pdf?

when you save your paystub online and you go to open it again it asks you for your password (something and the last 4 of your social) I can't remember what that something was ie;; your initials or store number or what?

Hey ladies! I need your help. Should i send the girl of my dreams this message or is it too inaproriate?

I really want to tell this girl how beautiful she is to me, but i don't know how to put it. I need to know if it's ok to send this to this girl i like that i've been texting recently or ways to shorten it. If you recieved this messege would you be creeped out or really enjoy being called beautiful. Is it to inaproriate since we kinda just met like a month or two ago?.- “Hey blablabla. I know that I don’t really know you that well, but I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re amazing! I know you probably hear this 1000 times a day, but you REALLY are beautiful, both inside and out. It’s almost like the sun shines out of your *** somehow haha. I would just like you to know that I think you’re smart, nice, insightful, and drop dead gorgeous! I really hope that we can get to know each other more and at least be better friends, even though we seem never to have time to chill, because there is just something about you that drives me crazy. I hope to see you during college sometime even though we are going to different schools, and I sincerely look forward to owning you in football next year! I don't know if you feel the same about me, but I just wanted to try and put a smile on your face and to let you know that you really are beautiful!”

Sims:Bustin Out compatible for 360 w/ hard drive?

We got an xbox 360, and wanted to get the old sims bustin out game for the original xbox. I have heard that only some of the old xbox games will work for the 360, even if you have the hard drive. Anyone know? Thanks so much in advance.

My little boy is turning 5, need ideas for birthday?

my little boy is turning 5 in the end of july. he is autistic and doesn't like the "normal" 5 yr old stuff like cars and things. hes into more like anything that catches his eye like wind chimes or anything that shines. if u have a autistic child you know what i am talking about. his attention span is NOT long at all. But i would like some ideas on a birthday theme (ANYTHING BRIGHT) we've done spongebob (which he loves but i am SICK of), dinosaurs, and well i guess that's it. If anyone has any ideas on a themes or just some fun little games to play please let me know even if your child isn't autistic. THANKS!

Icecap....please help will give best answer (:?

We didn't have any part in this lab that you're expecting someone to do the write-up for. Figure it out yourself.

What do you think of my yugioh deck?

This deck doesn't seem to have any coordination. I'd focus more on either the Dragunity part of it or the E-HEROs. That's just me. Also, if Trap Reclamation does what I think it does, then I'd switch it out for a Mask of Darkness. Mausoleum would hurt your life points and you don't have anything that can bring those lost life points back. Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird is a pretty useful card in that situation. Monster Reincarnation should be switched out for Monster Reborn since the prior only brings the card to your hand and you need to discard a card.

How much would I get for these games if I took these to Gamestop?

don't worry about if they have books or if the case it came in are in good shape. they have backup cases and the little papers that show the game covers they throw away because they want people to buy the new games of the version your selling. also you can just go to and look for the phone number to the place. you can do that but they will usually say "you'll have to come in so we can take a look at it.". bottom line make sure the game isn't scratched because they take 5$ out to fix that. the case, book and title paper doesn't matter to them.

Best longboard trucks for me?

Right now I have gullwing m1 187mm trucks. I would like to get new trucks, from what I've looked up it seems like Paris or randal trucks are what I want. Im riding a bustin maestro btw. Which will carve better than my m1's, but not be insanely carvy? And what do you prefer and why? Plus will these make my board a little higher off the ground than my trucks now? Thanks. I'm riding almost all flatland (Florida), so few hills.

How do i hire a maid in sims bustin out in dudleys trailer?

i go to phone and then click on services, then there are pizza, gardener, fire dept, and police. but nooo maid. =[ please help me out i tried everything

Is my Pinky Toe broken?! Help!!!?

Okayy, I'm moving out of my house, so there's a lot of boxes everywhere...I was about to take my dog out, when I stubbed my right pinky toe on a box really hard, where I heard a crack. The pain was okay, but as the minutes passed the pain has progressed. :/ Right now, it's really swollen and red. I can't move/bend it, and it's really hard for me to walk on it. If I put all my weight on it, it either hurts really bad, or I end up loosing my balance. Please help, Thanks!

Name of this song, please?

I heard it on the radio while traveling and it had a catchy beat. The only lyrics that I caught were "I can't lie I'm fresh, I'm thuggin. And I feel good in this fit I'm bustin." Can anyone help me out?

How much money would i get if i traded these games at gamestop?

those r pretty old games.I would say 12-20$. But it also depends if u have a pro membership you'll get more money

Getting Garnished for Child Support and I have NO children?

I just noticed on my pay stubs that I have been getting garnished for child support, and I have NO children whatsoever. I live in Michigan, and my employer has taken a total of $234 out of my pay for this garnishment so far, what do I do to recover the pay that I am owed and prove that I should not be getting garnished ?? This has been going on every week all the way back to late March. What are the laws regarding a wrongful garnishment and will I have to hire a lawyer for this? I fear that would be more expensive but I am not in the wrong and shouldn't be out a dime for my employer's mistake. HELP!!

How Do I get my sims bustin' out ps2 game to stop freezing?

Well once i try to save it, the music will stop. and it will just freeze, i'm playing the game on a ps3 though. any suggestions?

How much trouble can your employer get in for paying you under minimum wage?

if you are working legally (not under the table) and your state minimum wage rises but your employer is stupid and does not realize it and pays you the old minimum wage for a week (and you have pay-stubs to prove it) after the law takes effect, how much trouble can they get in? is it something you can sue them over to get the money they owe you?

Whats a decent cheap car panit brand.(dupli paint shop)i heard not to good?

i need a decent paint job on my chevy lum 96,i see dupli color paint in auto part stores but heard that it's not good at all((no shine))in about how many qt will i need....thanks

Should i be ashamed of myself?

Ok I liked this girl at work we have been what I would call flirting with each other since we started working together and I had got some signals from her that she might be curious. All that night we were talking about sex and she admitted she was getting bored in the bedroom in her current relationship. We are both lesbians. She asked me for drinks one night after we both knocked off. I was absolutely beyond drunk and started getting flirty as you do when you lose some control. I accidently stubbed her pants with a cigarette and started trying to rub it off her when she jokingly said I just wanted an excuse to rub her leg and also one of the boys said I was looking at him like I wanted to sleep with him and she turned and said 'so I'm not the only one you look at like that?'. I can't remember much but I think I was holding her by the hips at the bar and maybe flirting and I remember she had lots of friends there that knew her and her girlfriend and she pretty much left me there and I couldn't understand why. The next day at work she came looking happy to see me and wanting to see if I was ok and explained that I was getting a bit close and she didn't want to give me the wrong idea on the dance floor. It really embarrassed me my behaviour and I apologised but she said it was fine. She also was worried if her gf had walked in and seen that but I really don't think what I was doing was that bad. I kind of want to crawl under a rock! I know I am an attractive girl and she has likened me to her gf so it's not like she is repulsed by me. I just worry she is going to be thinking I am not going to be able to control myself around her whilst I am drinking.

I found this rap online what do you think of it?

Crazy, intriguing, original. If anyone thinks they've seen it all or heard it all, they should check this out. Demented and intelligent, like Hitler, but the difference is Hitler was no fun at all.

Herbal essences or garnier fructis?

which one has the best line for color treated hair and with one has the best line for waves and one has the best line for shine and smoothness and one which is best with frizz?

My toe nail is barely hanging on my toe because i stubbed it.?

so i stubbed my toe and the toenails is about to break off and i know it will. but i know the toenail will grow back. my question is that i'm going to hawaii in a week and was wondering if its ok to go in the beach water. please help

Do you think the the Yankee$ own Fan$ cost them Cliffe Lee? If you remember Bleecher Creatures we bustin' on?

his wifey... i don't think Cliff liked that and said 'Talk to the hand' and then he went off to Philly. I just think that it is time that these fan$ co$t the Yankee$ $umpthin'

Do they have Sims for Xbox 360?

I have seen my boyfriend play games like Grand Theft Auto Call of Duty. I like the Sims for Playstation 2. Does anyone know where I can get one for the Xbox? I don't like a lot of the games that they have, but I love the graphics and the online play idea. I would like to find a game simpler to Sims: Bustin Out.

What is the song played during Alaska in "Toddlers and Tiaras" racewear performance?

It is hard to hear because they talk over it in some parts but it sounds like some of the lyrics are "mmhmm it's no surprise cause you want me too, put your high heels on, you've got to shine on, oh yeah shinin on you". Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Still needing some light shined on this?

Honestly it sounds like you are prego! You have the same symptoms as I do and I'm 5 weeks prego. Best bet would be to just go to the doctor and get a pee test done ( don't do the at home those things are a joke). That way you will know for sure and won't have to worry longer then you have to. :) good luck!

I am a new hire and the company has asked me to provide a w2 or 1099 at a job where I was paid under the table?

I've never heard of any job asking for either of those forms. Usually, they want and Id, and proof that you can work in the US. It doesn't matter if you were paid under the table. That isn't against the law. Not paying taxes may be a different story. But, I would ask them exactly why they need those forms. Because they could call HR for the old job, and verify that you worked there. Something isn't right here!!!

Whats the movie with the headlights shining on the dark road?

I know this is so so so vague...but I keep remembering a movie, where all you see are the headlights of the car driving down a dar road and I feel like this is something that is constantly playing throughout the movie. If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it because I am going nuts! Thank you in advance.

I know this might sound gross but I stubbed my toe pretty bad and it's leaks fluids sometimes help? ?

I stubbed my toe and it bled and half my toenail is a different shade like it might have lifted a little from the skin well it leaks some kind of fluid from under the nail was curious what that is?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Make Up For Ever Duo Mat for oily skin?

My skin is veryyy oily. An hour after putting foundation on, it's pretty much gone. I was wondering if anyone with oily skin has used this product. How well is the shine/oil control? How many hours does it last you? Thanks :)

What's wrong with my pinky toe?

go to the doctor to get it checked out. maybe you could have sprained it. try not to bend it till then and take Tylenol if it hurts

Why do I have a HOLE in my pinkie toe?!?!?

About a month ago a stubbed my toe badly. It ripped a couple layers of skin off and my toenail eventually fell off. Now I notice that where my toe nail used to START there is a 1 cm deep HOLE in my TOE with black at the bottom. WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?

Is it safe for a teenager to go to a neighborhood park at night?

Better to be a bored insomiac that a crime statistic on the fron page of the Daily Mirror ! For a 15 year old girl to even consider the possibility of wandering around a park on her own in the middle of the night is the height of foolishness.

What Kind Of LongBoard Should I get?

YES get the maestro mini it looks awesome and should be a great starter board. id get it with randall trucks and orangatang 4 president 83a 70mm wheels thats a great setup

Do you have to have good credit to qualify for corporate housing?

Its very rare to find a genius lenders they says in the internet i am Christine Chalie a widower who is seeking for help in the streets of America because i have no money and i have three kids to look after, There was a day i was walking along the street where i live, I saw an old friend of mine and we both exchange greetings in the process we started contemplating about the issue of life in that process i explain all my problems to her and she told me that she can not help me with any thing now that she can only introduce me to a loan firm called OCEANIC WAVE LENDERS LTD. And when she told me about them i first doubt if this would work because i have been scammed before by so many false loan firm who claim to be what they are not, Because to my own observation they do this by requesting for cost of delivery or cost of transfer in other to get what they wanted from you, So when my friend first told me about it, The first question i ask her was that am i going to take responsibility of any fees like the cost of transfer or cost of delivery before i get my loan? and she said no that the firm will take charge of all that but i have to insured my self and loan with an insurance company and after which i receive my loan i will refund back all the money they spent to transferred or delivered my loan to me, and i ask her again if they can give me a loan with out collateral and she said they will but i have to send them Feasibility report on what i wanted to use the money for and they will send me an application form to fill all my information. And my friend gave me their Email address and i contacted them, they now requested for all my information, feasibility report on what i want to use the fund for and i presented every thing to them along with my attach copies of driving license and national identification cards and to my own surprise with the period of one week my loan request of $250,000(two hundred and fifty thousand dollars )was approved and i started my business with in the short period of 5 years i paid back all the money i borrowed from them and today i am one of their reliable customer the most beautiful thing about them was that if you can referred up to 20 customer to them with in two years you are entitle to win a any car that cost the sum of $8,000 or if you needed the money they can also give you and if you can also referred up to 20 person's before the end of the year you are entitle to win $4,000 or you are entitled to visit any of the best resort center of your choice at any country out side y our country during the celebrity period of XMAS. Today i can boast of my self that my kids are attending one of the best school in Europe and thanks to my friend Sandy White who introduce me to the firm at the first place and thanks for to the Almighty who gave me the heart to take the risk that make's my dream come to realization so if you wishes to contact them and get vital information about them you can reach them via this Email Address: Please i do hope to hear from you if you are interested writing me, this is my email address: because it will be really great to have more customers been referred by me and you know what that means thanks i will be waiting for you.

What snake is very small at birth and is very black and shiney?

it's small as a very small worm and it moves very fast. Very thin. Very shiny. Looks like a snake but so small you can't see with the naked eye the actual shape of the head? Is it a snake or can it possibly be a lizard of sort? It is night time now when I came across it on our porch. When I shined the flashlight on it it went crazy wriggling. We live in Tampa , Florida. The month is July 2011

Does this sound like a good longboard setup?

I am getting the Bustin Ibach. Randal 180 50 blacks, 4president Oregatang wheels, Bones reds bearings. I live in the valley of California, where i live almost everything is flat. Looking for a fast, smooth communiting ride thats also good for carving. Is this the setup?

Do I have an ingrown toenail?

A couple months back I stubbed my small toe on my left foot hard and several months later this...thing started growing. It's grown to the point where it is forcing my actual toe nail out and is longer than the toe. Now my toenail is elevated over this thing. Earlier I stubbed "it" and I bled all over the goddamned floor. Is this an ingrown toenail and how do I treat it?

What to do when you lose someone?

omfg! i have the same problem bro. what i do you deff dont wanna do (i cut) now im addicted andcould easily die by slitting a vein. but this is about you. what i shouldve done and what you should do is dont get too close to the girlzhelp em out and bchill wit em at all but like b ready to let go at any time. and for the other girl juss like find something else to get interested in something that takes up time and distracts you from her. thats the bess i got for this man sorry. hope errythin works out.

My vagina hole is to large?

well it is. i get a torch and shine it up and i can see all the way up. i can take 3 penises in the one hole. its very moist and warm.

How are my freestyle rap lyrics?

You my friend are the next Nas " I wanna rearrange your face like a kaleidoscope" was lyrical genius.

Were looking for a scary movie on netflix?

We're looking for a film that is actually scary, not a classic like the shining or pysco but something seriously frightning.

What Was The Name Of This Weird Children's Show?

I believe this show came on CBS, or maybe Nick. It was animated with black and white faces which were superimposed over cartoon, stub-like boddies. The protagonist was very nerdy with freckles & glasses. She had a very shrill voice. I remember them playing hockey one episode. PLEASE HELP ME.

Best longboard trucks for me?

Right now I have gullwing m1 187mm trucks. I would like to get new trucks, from what I've looked up it seems like Paris or randal trucks are what I want. Im riding a bustin maestro btw. Which will carve better than my m1's, but not be insanely carvy? And what do you prefer and why? Plus will these make my board a little higher off the ground than my trucks now? Thanks. I'm riding almost all flatland (Florida), so few hills.

How to bring your hair back to life?

well i straighten and curl my hair almost everyday,i know that really bad. I also dye my hair. My hair is starting to feel really dry and its loosing it shine and softness.I just need to know how to bring your back to life.

My parents are always cursing, and it rubs off on me but I don't want it to?

You are in control of your own actions. If you don't like swearing make a conscious effort to stop. It doesn't' matter if everyone else in your life disagrees, you can make better choices. You will be judged by the way you speak. It is worth it to learn to express yourself appropriately.

Are slower movements better for building muscle?

What I mean by this is that I head that if I was using a heavier weight such as something that I can rep five times (and I'm using bench press as an example), will you build more muscle if you lower the weight slowly and really control it as opposed to just bustin out the reps like normal people do? If the answer is yes, is this true for all other exercises such as curling, squating, etc.? Thanks

I lost my paycheck, does my employer have to give me a new one?

Nope ! They issued you a check. When you accepted it became your responsibilities. So If you blew your nose, ate it, or whipped your bottom. It's your fault/problem. So they are being kind. And the 2 weeks labour. They payed you already for it. NOT Free ! but you worked for free by loosing your check.

Can my employer withhold taxes without showing documentation on my pay stub.?

Under the Uniform Commercial Code (adopted by all states) all commercial transactions must be documented by detailed invoices. A paycheck is just another commercial transaction and as such must be fully documented. Demand proper documentation.

Gamestop ps2 games trade?

Without cases, you'll be lucky to get $0.50 a peice... they dont even pay more than $2-3 for a lot of ps3 games -with- the case. Not worth it in my opinion..

Why when I told my mom I was dropping out she threatned to send me to a pysch?

hmm...well, it depends. how far away is hogwarts where you live? and what about money? language? you’d have to do a lot of stuff before you even buy your plane tickets. sorry, but, you might have to wait a while

If employer pays by direct deposit do they have to give you a check stub?

No. (They *do* have to send you a W-2 for tax purposes by February 1 of the following year, though.)

Advice for the bedroom?

Ok so hears the deal, I am 26 years old and I used to be really shy which really hurt the love life in the past. Over the last couple of years I have worked really hard a breaking out of my shell, and am now having a great time going out on dates and meeting women. I have met someone who is very attractive and so far things have been going really great. The problem is as far a sex goes I am very amateur, I can count my experiences in that department on one hand and as far as they go, when alcohol was involved I could last quiet a while but when sober I think I was pretty disappointing. I am sure that this girl is way more experienced than myself. Does a man really develop more stamina over time? And what exactly makes a man good in bed? Any tips? I really don't want to disappoint when it is my time to shine.

How can I make my boyfriend get me pregnant?

You could always go to your doctor person b/c now they have a thing that yo canchose the gender of your child , but you should just be happy with what you conceive , the gift of life is something to love.

Who makes the best hotdogs?

Yahoo has an article on some off the wall brands of funky dogs on their front page today. Who (In your opinion) makes the best d@*^ hotdog you have ever eaten? a href=""…/a

My deformed

If she's that bad the kindest thing to do is euthansia. Thats' what happens when you breed animals that are blood related.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Found dove and it dose not have any toes. Is it a birth defect or did someone do it?

Many things can cause bird to lose feet, from diseases, to accidents, to birth defects. If the stubs look calloused or healed over, chances are it is an old injury or birth defect. If they look raw like a fresh wound, it could have recently happened, perhaps by the same event that injured its wing. Either way, it sounds like the bird will have a hard time surviving in the wild and probably should be a candidate for being permanently adopted into a human household. Remember that in most states in the US, possessing a wild animal is illegal without a license or permit. You may be able to contact a wildlife rehabilitator and get them to assist you in applying for a permit if you wish to keep the bird, or if not, they can probably help find a home for it. Search for "wildlife rehabilitator" and your location to find one near you.

Sims bustin' out - PS2?

I heard that if you get full cooking points on Sims, you get to make popcorn but I'm full cooking and I don't know how to make popcorn, is this just a rumor? If not, how do you do it?

Is it weird to not have?

any photos or anything physical to remind you of a past lover? Thinking back, my past two boyfriends I have no photos with them, only movie stubs and subway tickets and other little things that were from when we were together.

How long should I keep my Pay Stubs?

I feel like I am hoarding my documents. I have pay stubs from like 2000 and was told once I need to keep them for like 10 years and someone told me keep 3 of them at time while employed. Is there a legal time frame or is it just peace of mine keeping them.

Whats the name of that one song? It's a black female group?

Ok so I remember that the group was black women, and in the music video it was about a guy cheating or something. I haven't seen the music video in YEARS! but from what I think I remember in the beginning I think the guy is in a hottub and the girls like get on his car and start bustin out his windows and what not. I think so thats what happens I can't remember. But it's such a good song I like it.

How do you kill a sim on sims bustin out?

i'm on free play and i want a sim to die not in a fire because im afraid my kids will die too.cant they get taken away bye aliens by looking in a telescope at night?

Does any one know if....?

does any one know if my dog will see or not? my poor lil shi tzu Pomeranian just got attacked by a bigger dog and her eye popped out of socket. we took her to the vet and got it put back in but her eye seems to not have that glare like the other one does. when she looks into the light her good eye shines but the bad one doesn't. can my dog see or not?

Why do people always worship images in food or water stains?

You know the ones I mean, a chip that looks like jesus or a water stain that looks like mary, that sort of thing. Why do people make shines to this sort of thing? What if I had a birthmark that looked like that worth worshiping too?: Or does that mean since it is part of my body that I am somehow jesus second coming? Silly huh? Yeah, it all is. Wake up fools

Can Stub hub charge me a "renege" fee?

My bro stopped the sale because he lives in Portland, Oregon and reselling tickets higher then face value is illegal, which he didn't know till he was asked to confirm the sale, which he did not. Stub Hub says they had to get better tickets for the buyers and he is responsible for the extra money it cost to furnish those. But they sold the tickets above the face value. Does he have a case to get out of the fee?

D wade handed lebron a 4 point lead in game 5 before leaving to the locker room because of injury?

it was lebron's time to shine, he had the ultimate oportunity to prove his haters wrong, and he couldn't deliver

Where can I blog about controversial christian topics?

While I find those atheists who choose to be vulgar and demeaning extremely irritating as well, I think you kind of missed the whole "Turn the other cheek" thing.

How do you prove whether your wig's hair is human or synthetic?

take a strand of hair and pass it close to a lighted candle's flame. Pull on the heated hair. If is stretches, then it's definitely artificial. Also, an examination under a loupe will show the scales on the hair, whereas artificial will be completely smooth.

Dropthrough longboard choice?

i bought a 45" classic style pintail longboard, off of and like it a lot. but the thing is that it wont get very technical, and is a bit to long for campus. which i realized i want after buying it. so im now in the market again for a new board. im looking at the bustin strike. and want to be sure it is the right one before dropping 240$. so any suggestions would be appreciated. and please do make sure it a drop through deck. thanks!

I stubbed my big toe while playing football yesterday and it feels like it still bleeding?

It still bleeding right now i think. Well it throbs a lot and won't stop hurting. Will it heal or do i need to see a doctor?

Can I win an unemployment hearing if I quit in NY?

I believe so, I just won a case for unemployment who tried to say i quit and they could prove it and they were unable to of course and it took a minute but i finally won, Just keep fighting and keep all proof possible the judge will side with who he feels has been truthful about eerything, it is illegal to with hold pay with out notice

What is a good way to stop bitting my nails?

My naild are not even an INCH! There little stubs! I JUST CAN'T STOP! Please help me! :( Nothing helps, if i get nail polish, i chew it off :'(

Can cars run on shine (Aka corn whisky/ethanol)?

I'm 15 years old and will have to start paying for my own car in a few months, including the fuel. I live in the South and know a little bit about making shine and how it works abd all. I know cars can run on mixed ethanol (corn whisky) and gasoline, but will it damage my car and what are the risks? Also, what percentage is a safe mix? My daddy abd grandaddy have fields abd fields of corn, so obtaining the mash would be no problem... Just saying. Anyways, if you know anything about ethanol (shine) as fuel, please leave suggestions or any feedback.

Legitimate flash bridle with widened noseband in the front?!?

I went to spruce meadows the other day. And I've seen pretty much ANY bridle for jumper horses but this one was so weird an I have no idea what it's called but I'm trying to look for it! It's not a figure 8 or a flash attachment but it's a real flash and the flash cannot come out unless you take the long piece out then there's an ugly stub lol. But it was normal in width and then right around where the flash was or a wider area it was wider than the normal snaffle bridle or flash bridle noseband. I've been riding for like ever I'm just curious what this bridle does? It's so weird!! I have a flash on my horse now and I think I want to switch to that bridle I just can't find one!

Any Advice?! Taurus and Scorpio Friendship?

I was best friends with a Taurus and I’m a Scorpio we were friends form kindergarten till 9th grade. We balanced each other out perfectly like inseparably and she’s the only friend I’ve had that I could be myself around. She moved away 4 years ago and we barley keep in touch and we recently hangout and it wasn’t the same she seemed really fake. Were both pretty stubbed but I’m not sure if we will ever be friends sadly.

What would you do in this scenario?

This should be simple: Did you actually see the movie? Under what circumstance did the user tear your ticket stub? This should be your guideline: If you actually got to see the movie, regardless of what day your ticket was for, then you should NOT try and get a refund. If the user's actions caused you to NOT be able to see the movie, event he next day, then you are entitled to a refund. Listen to your heart; I believe that all people have a good one, and it can tell you right from wrong. Besides, karma is a real, and it WILL get you! :)

Any universities in Texas (besides Texas Tech) that require on-campus living?

I'm actually looking for one, I'm from Houston. I don't really care how many years it requires you to live on campus, as long as it requires freshman year. Rice and UH are good, but don't require you to live on campus at all. Don't worry, this definitely isn't my deciding factor, so please don't answer commenting on how I should value my parents' happy insistence that I stay under their roof till I'm 30 and married. You don't know my mom, who seriously belongs on an episode of Discovery Health's "Hoarding: Buried Alive", and I'm not kidding. Anyway, thanks in advance to the lifesaver who gives me some good ideas, my stubbed toes and dying sanity thank you. =)

What are your thoughts on John Morrison not returning until September or October?

- John Morrison isn't recovering as fast as they first expected and won't be back from injury until September or October. WWE is frustrated at this due to Morrison not being able to be at Money in the Bank, where he usually shines.